At BBC, we take a personalised approach to spirituality and faith and recognise that each individual will develop an awareness of his own spirituality in a way unique to him. As a church school operating under the governance of the Presbyterian and Uniting Churches, the Christian ethos is evident in the culture, teachings and life of Brisbane Boys’ College, as we seek to reflect the life of Christ in principle and by example, guiding boys to become Gentlemen of Honour.
Boys are encouraged to be actively involved in the spiritual life of the College. Opportunities are provided for formal worship through weekly assemblies, which includes a song, bible reading, short talk and prayer. A House Family Service is conducted once per year, and each year level from Years 7 to 12 has two Chapels each term. and Christian Education classes for boys in Prep to Year 10, with students in Years 11 and 12 involved in the Life and Belief Issues program.
Chaplains, teachers and students conduct ministry in the School, with the College Chaplains assuming overall responsibility for the spiritual life of the College.
Boys also have the opportunity to join Inter School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) groups for age-appropriate discussion, reflection, service and friendship in a Christian context. Students also enjoy a variety of social activities and an annual Christian camp with students from other PMSA Schools.
If you would like more information about the spiritual life of Brisbane Boys’ College, please contact our College Chaplain Mr Stephen Ward.