Presbyterian & Methodist Schools Association

Brisbane Boys’ College is one of four outstanding schools owned by the Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association (PMSA) along with our sibling schools Clayfield College, Somerville House and Sunshine Coast Grammar School.

Established in 1918, the PMSA is a joint mission of the Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod and the Presbyterian Church of Queensland.

The PMSA is governed by a Board of Directors which comprises of up to 8 members. Three Board members are each appointed by the Presbyterian Church and the Uniting Church and up to two members are directly appointed by the PMSA Board. The PMSA Board is supported by three PMSA committees, a school advisory council for each of the Schools and the PMSA Group Office.

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council is made up of five members drawn from both the School, wider community and the Principal who is a non-voting member.

The Brisbane Boys’ College Advisory Council is a sub-committee of the PMSA Board and is an advisory body that informs, advises, and supports the Principal, CEO and the PMSA Board.

The School Principal reports to the PMSA CEO and is responsible for the daily operations of the school.

A call for expressions of interest will be advertised for vacancies of all positions on the School Advisory Council.

Each School Council’s Charter outlines the School Advisory Council’s objectives, responsibilities, and governance framework as well as their relationship to the PMSA.


Mr Don O’Rorke

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Mr Hamish Turner OAM

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Mr Jamie Nicol

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Mr Andre Casson


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Ms Kirsti Simpson

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