We see all boys as leaders. That’s why the BBC model of student leadership is contemporary, distributed and inclusive.
All Boys as Leaders
Our student leadership incorporates Prefect-led portfolios that address all facets of school life, delivering engagement through peer-support responsibilities. Boys from Years 7 to 12 form representative steering groups, encouraging other boys across the school to develop their skills in leading others, and themselves.
In this whole school model, student leadership opportunities are available to a broad range of students of varying ages, and the impact and efforts of successive leadership years are built upon and learnt from. This honours the best of the past and allows leadership to be a skill that can be learnt, rather than bestowed upon based on age.
Promoting Agency and Collaboration
Teachers and boys co-create the vision and expectations within each portfolio as they share the learning and leadership experiences, providing an authentic avenue for boys to have their voices heard and validated. This model draws upon the strengths, interests, and curiosities of a broad range of boys, encouraging them to be active citizens within the College and wider community.
Essential 21st century skills such as collaboration, problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking are the by-products of this student facilitated model of leadership, which encourages participation and a sense of belonging.